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Bus Hotel

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Bus Hotel

The immediate proximity to the medieval Fugger town of Sterzing, the optimal parking possibilities (enough private bus parking spaces available), and the endless excursion possibilities in the area make Hotel Saxl your ideal bus hotel in the Wipptal.

Hotel Saxl near Freienfeld, Sterzing, has a total of 100 rooms and various room types, a large restaurant area, and is therefore also perfect for larger groups as accommodation. The Advantages of a Bus Hotel

The benefits of a bus hotel, are numerous. Here are some of them:

  1. Mobility: A bus hotel allows travelers to be flexible and visit various places without having to change their accommodation. The hotel can easily travel from one place to another, thus offering the opportunity to explore different destinations.
  2. Comfort: A bus hotel typically offers comfortable and well-equipped rooms, similar to traditional hotels. There are sleeping areas, bathrooms, a kitchen, and often a living area to make the stay pleasant.
  3. Unique Experience: Staying in a bus hotel is a special and unusual experience. It allows guests to stand out from traditional accommodations and try something new and exciting.
  4. Proximity to Nature: Since bus hotels are often located in rural areas or near nature parks, guests have the opportunity to experience nature up close. They can explore the surrounding landscape, go hiking, or simply enjoy the peace and beauty of nature.
  5. Sustainability: Bus hotels can also offer a more sustainable travel experience. Being mobile, they minimize the ecological footprint, consuming fewer resources and generating less waste than traditional hotels.
  6. Community Feeling: In a bus hotel, there are often communal areas where guests can meet other travelers and exchange ideas. This creates a special atmosphere of community and allows guests to make new contacts and share experiences.